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По индивидуальному плану
Марафоны медицинского английского

Clinical Practice

описание курса
Флагманский курс, с которого всё начиналось! 100% занятий на английском с преподавателем-врачом. Разбираем коммуникацию с пациентом от и до, проводим воркшопы по дифференциальной диагностике, практикуемся с клиническими рекомендациями и аутентичными видео-блогами. Задача курса - дать максимум практической терминологии, которая пригодится и в чтении статей, и на стажировках, и для международных экзаменов.
84 ак. часа / 21 неделя
модули tellama
необходимый начальный уровень
B1 - Low Intermediate
→ Длительность модуля — 7 недель (14 занятий)

Module CP-1. Internal medicine. Emergency care.

A doctor's status, workplace and usual day
Internal organs, terminology & their functions
Communicative skills in doctor-patient communication
Ask questions about complaints (SOCRATES rule)
Tests and investigations
Patient cases - SOAP structure
Differential diagnosis for chest pain
Vital signs, auscultation findings
Medication classes and indications for specific drugs
Common generic medication names
Routes of medication administration
Prescriptions with dosages and routes
Antibiotic resistance
ECG findings interpretation
Myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure and other cardiological conditions
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
Emergencies in internal medicine
Risk factors and prognosis
Specializations in medicine around the world
→ Длительность модуля — 7 недель (14 занятий)

Module CP-2. Surgery. Anesthesiology. Intensive care. Oncology.

Surgical workspace, a typical day in a surgical ward
Surgeries in medicalese & layman's terms
Getting a surgical history
Examination of the abdomen
Common surgical procedures and their complications
Parts of the upper and lower limb
Types of anesthesia
Shift work, responsibility for patient outcomes
Medical experiment structure
Types of trauma
Differential diagnosis for abdominal pain
Tumor names & TNM staging
Types of biopsies and indications for them
Treatment modalities in oncology
Prognosis and risks connected to oncology treatment options
End-of-life care
Giving bad news to patients and relatives
→ Длительность модуля — 7 недель (14 занятий)

Module CP-3. Neurology. Obstetrics & gynecology. Pediatrics.

The brain, nervous system functions and deficits
Neurological examination
Differential diagnosis for headache
Differential diagnosis for back pain
Mental state examination
Common psychiatric conditions and their symptoms
Modern treatment options in psychiatry
Breast and pelvic examination
Procedures in gynecology, labour and delivery
In vitro fertilization, conception
Emergency OB/GYN
Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases
Epidemics and vaccination